
Miroslava Arely Rosales Vásquez

Latin American literature

E-Mail: miroslavarosalesv[at]

Research project:

“Extreme masculinity, violence, and precariousness in the contemporary fiction from Mexico and Central America”

This research will establish the intersectionality of extreme masculinity, violence, and precariousness in contemporary Mexican and Central American fiction based on a formal analysis. Likewise, this project will imply an interdisciplinary perspective, and in particular, gender studies; therefore, it will apply concepts from history, sociology, anthropology, and political philosophy to the practice of literary criticism

Preliminarily, I have selected the following books: La sirvienta y el luchador (2011), by Horacio Castellanos Moya; Piedras encantadas (2001), by Rodrigo Rey Rosa; Los héroes tienen sueño (1998), by Rafael Menjívar Ochoa; Fiesta en la madriguera (2010), by Juan Pablo Villalobos; Porque parece mentira la verdad nunca se sabe (1999), by Daniel Sada; Trabajos del reino (2004), by Yuri Herrera; Instrucciones para cruzar la frontera (2011), by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite; and, finally, La Biblia Vaquera (2011), by Carlos Velázquez

Short biography:


Master in Spanish American Literature. University of Guanajuato, Mexico


Professor in the postgraduate online seminar “La historia reciente de Centroamérica a través de su literatura”. Latin American Council of Social Sciences [CLACSO]


Member of the coordinator team of the CLACSO workgroup “El istmo centroamericano: repensando los centros” (renewed 2019 for a further period of three years)


Scholar and participant in the DAAD Summer School "Literature and violence in Mexico and Central America". University of Wuppertal, Germany


Scholar and participant in the internacional diploma “Feminismos en América Latina”. Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM [National Autonomous University of Mexico]


Professor of the seminar “Hábitat de la ceniza. literatura centroamericana y precariedad”. O Istmo, CLACSO workgroup “El istmo centroamericano: repensando los centros”, and Cenicsh

2015 to present

Researcher in the red-platform O Istmo (Brazil)

Member of LASA

Conference papers:

"El escritor centroamericano frente a los dilemas de la modernidad” at Latin American Studies Association Congress, Barcelona, Spain. May 23rd-26th, 2018

"La poesía centroamericana” at Colloquium-workshop “América Central: una modernidad en entredicho”, Institut Barcelona d´Estudis Internacionals, IBEI. May 22nd, 2018

“Literatura e Historia. Un diálogo necesario en Centroamérica” at Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México. April 2nd, 2018

“Literatura centroamericana y geopolítica. Una lectura crítica sobre la marginalidad” at Latin American Studies Association Congress, Lima, Perú. April 29th-May 1st, 2017

“Precariedad, cuerpo travestido y amor en 'La jota de Bergerac'” at II Colloquium "Nuevos Enfoques a la Literatura Mexicana", Guanajuato, Mexico. September 5th-7th, 2016

“Los cuerpos abyectos y excluidos: el cuerpo femenino en los mundos narrativos de Horacio Castellanos Moya y Rodrigo Rey Rosa” at XIII Congreso Centroamericano de Historia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. July 18th-21st, 2016


Book chapter: “Robocop: cultura militar y masculinidad extrema en El arma en el hombre” [Robocop: militar culture and extreme masculinity in The weapon in man”], La violencia como marco interpretativo de la investigación literaria [The violence as interpretative framework of the literary research], edited by Matei Chihaia, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, 2019, pp. 215-227

Journal Article (peer reviewed): “Configuraciones y autoconfiguración de Rodrigo Rey Rosa" [Configuration and autoconfiguration in Rodrigo Rey Rosa´s fiction], published in Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos. No. 33, July-December 2016. ISSN: 1535-2315,


Poeta soy. Poesía de mujeres salvadoreñas [Poet I am. Salvadoran Women´s Poetry]. Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (MNEDUCYT), 2019

Catalyst. Literary Arts Journal. Volumen 14. New Zealand: The Republic of Oma Rãpeti Press, 2017. ISSN: 1179-4003

Ping Pong. An Art and Literary Journal of the Henry Miller Library. California, USA: Big Sur, 2015. ISSN: 1083-0944

La Galla Ciencia (journal). Spain: La Galla Ciencia Press, 2017. ISSN: 2386-7965

Mujeres que se crean a sí mismas. Antología de mujeres poetas salvadoreñas. Selection by Guisela López. Spain: Valparaíso Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-99-96198-03-8

Theatre Under My Skin. Contemporary Salvadoran Poetry. Edited by Alexandra Lytton Regalado, Tania Pleitez Vela, and Lucía de Sola. USA: Kalina Press, 2014: ISBN: 9-789992-387672

Resistencia en la tierra. Antología de poesía social y política de nuevos poetas de España y América. Coordinated by Federico Díaz-Granados. China: Ocean Sur Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-925019-56-8

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