
Dr. Peter Herbeck



  • Herbeck, Peter (2015). Unifying Pro-Drop and Control – The Derivation of Spanish (Null) Subjects. Doktorarbeit, Universität Salzburg. (can be downloaded at the Open Access publicatioon server of the University of Salzburg: link)

Herausgeberschaften / Special issues:

  • mit Jan Casalicchio (2024). New perspectives on the syntax of causative and restructuring verbs in Romance. Special issue of Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10 (4). []
  • mit Pekka Posio (2023). Referring to Discourse Participants in Ibero-Romance Languages. Language Science Press (Open Romance Linguistics). [link]
  • mit Paolo Izzo & Anna Kocher (2022). Catalan Journal of Linguistics 21: Special issue Catalan Morphosyntax at the Interfaces - Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. [link]
  • mit Bernhard Pöll & Anne Wolfsgruber (2019). Semantic and Syntactic Aspects of Impersonality. Linguistische Berichte (LB), Sonderhefte 26, Hamburg: Buske.


  • Casalicchio, Jan & Peter Herbeck (2024). "Pseudorelative clauses, infinitives, and gerunds with Spanish perception verbs: A comparative view". Syntax: 1–34. []
  • Casalicchio, Jan & Peter Herbeck. (2024). "Causative constructions and restructuring: Two evergreen topics". In: New perspectives on the syntax of causative and restructuring verbs in Romance, eds. Jan Casalicchio & Peter Herbeck. Special issue of Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10(4)/1, 1-11. []
  • Cuenca, M. Josep & Peter Herbeck (2024). "Quan fer és dir. Usos de fer com a verb de dicció". Estudis Romànics  [Institut d'Estudis Catalans] 46: 31-58. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2023). "Reflexive SE with 1st and 2nd person plural verb forms - A corpus study of Valencian Catalan varieties". Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 36: 87-120. []
  • Herbeck, Peter & Pekka Posio (2023). "Referring to Discourse Participants in Ibero-Romance Languages: Introduction". In: Pekka Posio & Peter Herbeck (Eds.), Referring to Discourse Participants in Ibero-Romance Languages. Berlin: Language Science Press (Open Romance Linguistics). [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8124486]
  • Herbeck, Peter (2022). "Variable first person singular subject expression in spoken Valencian Catalan". Catalan Journal of Linguistics 21, 129-157. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2022). "Dative experiencers and (null) subjects in Peninsular Spanish infinitives". Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 8(5)/6: 1-28. Special Issue: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 19, Marco Bril, Martine Coene, Tabea Ihsane, Petra Sleeman, Thom Westveer (eds.). DOI:
  • Herbeck, Peter & Pekka Posio (2022). "Word order variation with decir 'say' in spoken Peninsular Spanish. A case of residual V2?" Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 8(3)/7: 1-33. Special Issue: Residual Verb Second in Romance, S. Cruschina, A. Fábregas & C. Meklenborg Nilsen (eds.). DOI:
  • Herbeck, Peter (2021). "Perspectival factors and pro-drop - A corpus study of speaker/addressee pronouns with creer 'think/believe' and saber 'know' in spoken Spanish". Glossa - a journal of general linguistics 6 (1): 122. 1-34. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2021). "The (null) subject of adjunct infinitives in spoken Spanish". In: Mucha, A., J. M. Hartmann & B. Trawinski (eds.), Non-Canonical Control in a Cross-linguistic Perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today 270), 259-285. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2020). "On finite subject-to-object raising in Spanish". Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 9(1): 87-124. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2018). “Deriving Null, Strong, and Emphatic Pronouns in Romance Null Subject Languages”. In: Pritty Patel-Grosz, Patrick Georg Grosz & Sarah Zobel (Eds.), Pronouns in embedded contexts at the syntax-semantics interface (Studies in Linguistics & Philosophy, vol. 99). Cham: Springer, 171-213.
  • Herbeck, Peter (2015). “Overt PRO in Romance – Towards a Unification of PRO and pro”. In: Rachel Klassen, Juana M. Liceras & Elena Valenzuela (Eds.), Theoretical and Experimental Issues in Hispanic Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2013 (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 25-48.
  • Herbeck, Peter (2014). “(Backward) Control and Clitic Climbing – On the Deficiency of Non-Finite Domains in Spanish and Catalan”. In: M. Kohlberger, K. Bellamy & E. Dutton (Eds.), ConSOLE XXI: Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (8-10 January 2013, Potsdam). Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 123-145. []
  • Herbeck, Peter (2011). “Overt Subjects in Spanish Control Infinitives and the Theory of Empty Categories”. In: Generative Grammar in Geneva 7, 1-22. []