
Prof. Dr. phil. (em.) Earl Jeffrey Richards


  • Romanistik: Literaturwissenschaft


Büro: O.10.16
Telefon: +49 2 02/4 39-21 62
Fax: +49 2 02/4 39-38 92
E-Mail: richards[at]

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  • A.B., Princeton University, 1974 (Romance Languages, Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
  • A.M., Princeton University, 1977 (Comparative Literature)
  • Ph.D., Princeton University, 1978 (Comparative Literature)

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit

Ph.D. Dissertation: "Dante’s Commedia and Its Vernacular Narrative Context"
( Supervisors: Karl D. Uitti, Robert Hollander)

Honors and Fellowships:

  • Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities (1977-78)
  • Dissertation accepted with citation, “With Excellence”
  • Humboldt Fellowship (1988-89)

Teaching Experience

  • Princeton University (Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1975-77):
    - Literature 141, Modern European Writers, Fall 1975
    - French 102, Beginner‘s French,Spring 1976
    - French 107, Advanced French, Fall 1976
    - French 102, Beginner‘s French, Spring 1977
  • Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, West Germany (1978-81):
    “Verwalter einer Wissenschaftlichen Assistentenstelle,” roughly equivalent, mutatis mutandis, to an Assistant Professorship, assigned to the Chair of Comparative Literature and charged with offering Proseminare, or seminars for students in the fourth to sixth semester of their major studies, prior to their admission to theequivalent of graduate studies or Hauptstudium, or courses roughly equivalent to upperclass undergraduate courses. Courses were conducted in German.
    - Proseminar Das Bild des Künstlers bei Rilke, Joyce und Hesse (SS 1979)
    - Upperclass Seminar on the Image of America in 19th-century European Literature
    (Fall 1979)
    - Upperclass Seminar on Franco-German Literary Relations in the Middle Ages: La
    Chanson de Roland and the Rolandslied (Spring 1980)
    - Upperclass Seminar on the Lyrical Epic in the 20th century: Rilke, Duino Elegies;
    Eliot, The Four Quartets; and St.John Perse, Anabasis (Spring 1980)
    - Upperclass Seminar on the Literary Fortunes of the Pygmalion Theme from Ovid
    to the Present (Fall 1980)
    - Upperclass Seminar on Hamlet in European Literature (Spring 1981)
  • Purdue University (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
    Visiting Assistant Professor, 1982-1983):
    - German 101, Fall 1982
    - German 102, Fall 1982
    - German 203, Spring 1983
    - German 204, Spring 1983
    - Classics 411,(= second-semester Latin), Spring 1983
    - Italian 101, Spring 1983
  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen:
    Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Komparatistik, “Lehrbeauftragter mit Range eines Privatdozenten”, or roughly, Visiting Assistant Professor, Spring 1983
    - Introductory Graduate Seminar (Mittelseminar, conducted in German) on
    Introduction to 20th-century Anglo-American and French Literary Criticism
  • The State University of New York at Stony Brook (Department of Comparative Literature, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1983-84):
    - Comparative Literature 108, Masterpieces of Imaginative Literature, Fall 1983
    - Classics 111, First Semester Latin, Fall 1983
    - Humanities 121, Death in Literature, Spring 1984
    - Humanities 122, Women in Fiction, Spring 1984
    - Comparative Literature 301, Introduction to Literary Criticism, Spring 1984
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Assistant Professor, 1984-1990):
    - Comparative Literature 21, Great Books I: Renaissance to Enlightenment,
    Fall 1984/Fall 1985/Fall 1986/Fall 1987,
    - Comparative Literature 95, Women in Fiction, Fall 1984
    - Comparative Literature 22, Great Books II: Romanticism to Modernism,
    Spring 1985/Spring 1986/Spring 1987/Spring 1988,
    - Comparative Literature 177, The Enlightenment, Spring 1985
    - Comparative Literature 242, History of Literary Criticism, 18
    - The Curriculum of Comparative Literature, Fall 1985/Fall 1987
    - Comparative Literature 81, Philosophy and Literature, Spring 1986/Spring 1987,
    - Comparative Literature 91, Introduction to Comparative Literature, Fall 1986,
    - Comparative Literature 174, 18th-Century Literature (The Novel), Spring 1988
  • Tulane University (Department of French and Italian, Associate Professor, 1990-1994) :
    - French 101, Introductory French, Fall 1990
    - French 651, Eighteenth-Century French Literature, I: The Novel, Fall 1990,
    - Honors Colloquium 401-02, Dante: Poet of Love and Politics, Spring 1991
    - French 612, Literary History and Bibliography, Spring 1991
    - French 203, Intermediate French, Fall 1991, .
    - French 452, The Enlightenment, Fall 1991, .
    - Honors Colloquium 402-05, The Literary Origins of Nationalism and Racism,
    Spring 1992
    - French 751, The Enlightenment, Spring 1992
  • Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau (Visiting Full Professor of Comparative Literature, 1994/95):
    - Introduction to Comparative Literature, WS 1994/95
    - National Images in 18th-century European Literature, WS 1994/95
    - Colloquium on National Images in Eastern European Literatures, WS 1994/95
  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal (full Professor of Romance)

    WS 1995/1996
    - Vorlesung Die Auffassung von Europa bei frz. Schriftstellern des 20. Jh.s
    - PS Christine de Pizans

    SS 1996

    - Livre de la Cité des Dames
    - Vorlesung

    WS 1996/1997

    - Le roman philosophique im 18. Jh.
    - PS Der Roman des sozialen Aufsteigers im 19. Jh.: Stendhal, Le rouge et le noir
    und Balzac, Le père Goriot
    - HS Französischer Klassisismus: Racine, Phèdre und Madame de Lafayette, La
    Princesse de Clèves
    - Vorlesung Geschichte der deutschen Romanistik, I
    - HS Dantes Commedia, Eine Einführung
    - PS Die französischen Moralisten

    SS 1997

    - Vorlesung Geschichte der deutschen Romanistik, II
    - PS Leopardis Operette morali
    - HS Der Streit um den Rosenroman
    - PS Das Thema Tod und Sterben in der französichen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis
    zur Gegenwart

    WS 1997/1998

    - V Deutsche Romanisten im Exil
    - PS Feministische Literaturtheorie
    - HS Montaigne
    - HS Primo Levi

    SS 1998

    - HS Dante
    - HS Rabelais, Gargantua und Pantagruel
    - PS Zola, L’Assomoir
    - PS Italienischer Futurismus

    WS 1998/1999

    - V Werner Krauss und die deutsche Romanistik
    - PS Petrarca, Il Canzoniere
    - HS Christine de Pizan, Le Livre de la Cité des Dames
    - PS Voltaire, Candide

    SS 1999

    - Vorlesung Ernst Robert Curtius, Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter
    - PS Camus, L’Étranger
    - HS Boccaccio, Decamerone
    - HS Montaigne, Les Essais

    WS 1999/2000

    - Einführung in die romanistische Literaturwissenschaft
    - PS Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal
    - HS Flaubert, Trois Contes

    SS 2000

    - PS Rousseau, Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire
    - HS Umberto Eco, Il nome della rosa
    - HS Christine de Pizan, Le Livre de la Cité des Dames
    - HS Diderot, Jacques le Fataliste

    WS 2000/2001
    : forschungsfrei

    SS 2001

    - PS Baudelaire, Petits poemes en prose
    - PS Petrarca, Lyrik Fr 12-14
    - HS Christine de Pizan, Politische Schriften
    - HS Balzac

    WS 2001/2002

    - Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
    - PS Maupassant, Boule de suif und Vivant Denon, Point de lendemain
    - HS Dante, L’Inferno

    SS 2002

    - V Rezeptionsästhetik: : Le Chef-d’oeuvre inconnu (1831), La Peau de Chagrin
    (1831), Eugénie Grandet (1834) und Le Père Goriot (1834-35)
    - PS Camus, L’Étranger
    - HS Racine, Phèdre und Andromaque
    - PS Levi: Se questo è un uomo und La Tregua

    WS 2002/2003

    - V Voltaire und die Dialektik der Aufklärung
    - PS Carlo Levi: La doppia notte dei tigli
    - HS Christine de Pizan, Lyrik
    - HS Curzio Malaparte, Kaputt

    SS 2003

    - V Tahar Ben Jelloun: Le racisme expliqué à ma fille und Max Gallo: L’amour de la
    France expliqué à mon fils
    - PS Cesare Pavese : Lyrik
    - HS Robert Bober : Quoi de neuf sur la guerre?
    - HS Dante : Paradiso

    WS 2003/2004

    - V Christine de Pizan
    - PS Flaubert: Trois contes
    - HS Racine und Mme Lafayette
    - HS Dante: Inferno

    SS 2004

    - V Deutsche Romanisten nach 1945
    - PS Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal
    - HS Petrarca und der europäische Petrarkismus
    - HS Pascale: Les pensées

    WS 2004/2005
    - Einführung in die italienische Literaturwissenschaft
    - V Literarische Anfänge des Nationalismus in Frankreich
    - PS Stendhal: De l’amour
    - PS Natalia Ginzburg
    - HS Balzac, Le père Goriot

    SS 2005: Forschungsfreisemester

    WS 2005/06

    - Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (systematischer Teil)
    - Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft des Französischen
    - Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft des Italienischen
    - HS Zola: L’Assommoir
    - HS/PS Pavese, Racconti


Fields of Interest:

  • Medieval Literature
  • Eighteenth-century European Literature
  • History of Literary Criticism
  • Study of National Images in Literary Culture