
Frühkindlicher Trilinguismus


Eckdaten des Projektes

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, MU 875/12-1

Laufzeit: 2014-2017
Sachbeihilfe in Höhe von 453.554€


Arnaus Gil, L. (2022). Spanish and German as heritage and majority languages in early multilingual acquisition: Family Language Policies and other child-external factors for heritage language competence. In P. Wolf-Farré & K. Cantone-Altinas (Hgg.), Special Issue ‘Familial and Educational Language Policies in Interaction: Ideologies and Practices for Language Maintenance in Migration Contexts’International Journal of Multilingualism

Arnaus Gil, L. & M. Tirado Espinosa. (2020). The early acquisition of Spanish attributive adjectives in multilingual children: adult-like frequencies across number of L1s, language competence and language (un)balance. Eingereicht.

Arnaus Gil, L. & N. Müller. (2018). French postverbal subjects: A comparison of monolingual, bilingual, trilingual and multilingual French. In J. Liceras & R. Fernández Fuertes (Hgg.), Romance Languages at the Forefront of Language Acquisition Research – Volume 1Special Issue Languages. In Languages 3 (3), 1-28. doi:10.3390/languages3030029.

Arnaus Gil, L. & N. Müller. (2020). Els verbs copulatius catalans ésser i estar i la seva adquisició en edats primerenques. Un estudi sobre el trilingüisme precoç a Espanya i Alemanya. Contact, variation, and change in Romance and beyond. Studies in honor of Trudel Meisenburg. Studienreihe Romania (StR). Erich Schmidt publishing company: Berlin, 283-300.

Arnaus Gil, L. & N. Müller. (2020). When grammar doesn't mind: Acceleration and delay in bilingual, trilingual and multilingual German-Romance children: Finite verb placement in German. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism10(4), 530-558. Online publiziert am 13.11.2018:

Arnaus Gil, L. J. Stahnke & N. Müller. (2021). On the acquisition of French (null) subjects and (in)definiteness: simultaneous and early sequential bi-, tri- and multilinguals. Probus. DOI:

Arnaus Gil, L. K. Zimmermann, M. Tirado Espinosa & N. Müller. (2021). The acquisition of French adjective placement in monolingual, bilingual, trilingual and multilingual children: A robust syntactic domain. Eingereicht.

Arnaus Gil, L., N. Müller, N. Sette & M. Hüppop. (2020). Active bi- and trilingualism and its influencing factors. Applied Psycholinguistics.

Arnaus, Gil, L., N. Müller., M. Hüppop, M. Poeste, E. Scalise, N. Sette, A. Sivakumar, M. Tirado Espinosa & K. S. Zimmermann. (2019). Trilinguismus. Eine Einführung mit den Sprachen Deutsch, Französisch, Katalanisch und Spanisch. (=Narr Studienbücher), Tübingen: Narr.

Geveler, J., L. Arnaus Gil & N. Müller. (2018). The acquisition of variation: Romance adjective placement in bilingual children. In J. Berns, H. Jacobs & D. Nouveau (Hgg.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13: Selected Papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 143-157.

Kleineberg, D., L. Arnaus Gil & N. Müller. (in Bearbeitung). The acquisition of the Spanish copula system in mono-, bi- and trilingual children.

Poeste, M., N. Müller & L. Arnaus Gil. (2019). Code-mixing and language dominance: Bilingual, trilingual and multilingual children compared. International Journal of Multilingualism

Sivakumar, A., N. Sette, N. Müller & L. Arnaus Gil. (2020). Die Entwicklung des rezeptiven Wortschatzes bei bi-, tri- und multilingual aufwachsenden Kindern. Linguistische Berichte 263, 329-364.

Stahnke, J., L. Arnaus Gil & N. Müller (2021). French as a heritage language in Germany. In T. Kupisch (Hg.), Special Issue ‘Heritage Languages in Germany’Languages 6(3):122. 6030122.

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